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Volunteer with Us!

The best part about this campaign is that it is 100% people-powered. This means that every time someone knocks on your door, calls you on the phone, or sends you a text, it's volunteerism in action. That's what Medford and Malden are all about. Everyone on this campaign has a real interest in the District, which means you're hearing stories from neighbors who understand the importance of investing in your community.

How to Get Involved:

We'll be adding events as well as opportunities for canvassing, phone banking, and text banking - stay tuned!

Signature Gathering Party!

Join us to get Nichole on the ballot!

Bring your questions and stick around for dinner and conversation,

or just drop in to sign.


Thursday, February 29th @ 5:30pm


RSVP here and we'll send you the address!

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